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BE BALANCED, BE YOU: An Active Independent Lifestyle & Strong Family Ties.

BE BALANCED: BE YOU: We'll be featuring different women each week that have somehow influenced our lives and inspired us with their strength and grace. This week, meet Vanessa. When asked what keeps her balanced in her busy life juggling work, family and a healthy lifestyle, she had this to say about keeping an active lifestyle and maintaining a healthy family life.

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"I have several things that I do to keep me balanced. I love playing soccer; I play recreationally on a "moms" league. It's an amazing group of women who support each other and share a love of soccer. Our time on the field is spent laughing, working on our skills, and of course chatting (more chatting than the coaches would like!).

I also love running. My time running is my time to be alone and only think about breathing and putting one foot in front of the other. With a busy family and carer, turning off and focusing on the small task at hand is super important.

Lastly, but definitely not least is the time I spend with my family. We will spend time hiking or just playing around at home. This keeps me grounded as I get a chance to reconnect with my boys when we have been busy. They are the people that I love the most and that love me the most, this knowledge helps immensely to keep me balanced."

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Words by Vanessa
Photos by Wayne Mah
Thanks to Body Balance Vancouver for letting us use their beautiful space.

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